Looking for new refrigerator fresh meat pan drawer works for Kenmore Frigidaire Crosley Kelvinator White-Westinghouse GSE25ETHB BB GSH22JFPHCC GSS22IFPHBB GSH25JSTESS GSS25IFPJBB GSS25VGMCWW RSG25KEPDFWW and more.
Refrigerator Meat Pan Drawer
- Product: Refrigerator Fresh Meat Drawer Pan
- Part Number: 240530811
- Replace Parts: 240354201 240354202 240354203 240354208 240371403 240530807 240530808 240530810 240530812 240530814 240530815 240530817 240530818 240530901 240530903 240530906 1194815 AP3960009 PS1526037 EAP1526037
- Fits Brands: Kenmore Frigidaire Crosley
Fits Refrigerator Models
This refrigerator meat pan product fits the following Kenmore Frigidaire Crosley Kelvinator White-Westinghouse models.
CRT185HLW3 CRT185LB0 CRT185LW4 CRTE183ASK CRTE187EW9 FFHI1817LB1 FFHI1826LB6 FFHT1715LBZ FFHT1725LK2 FFHT1816LK5 FFHT1817LW5 FFHT1826LQC LFHT1817LBA FRT17G4BQA FRT17G4BWM CFHT1843LS7 FRT18L4JBP FRT18L4JM9 GLRT183TDQL FFTR1715LWC 2536178301A 25361827011 2536482240G 25367889508 25360523302 2536072530A 25361792106 25361842104 25362112013 25363014302 25363212010 25363774300 25364152406 25364179400 25364194405 25364810409 25364814406 2536482440E 25364859403 25366173503 25367170501 25367182500 25367874502 25369233703 25369269701 25371112104 2537179410A 25372072302 25372119011 WRT18MP6CSR and more.
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Shop Here! The item number is 240530811. See the refrigerator meat drawer item information, return services & refund policy, and shop the product on eBay.
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