Samsung Washer Flange Shaft DC97-14421A

Samsung Washer Flange Shaft WF448AAP WF431ABW

Samsung Washer Flange Shaft DC97-14421A

  • Product: Flange Shaft Assembly for Washing Machine
  • Part Number: DC97-14421A
  • Replace Parts: 2076567 2076567 PS4220154 EAP4220154
  • Fits Brands: Samsung
  • Price: US $133.00 Check Price on eBay

Fits Washer Models:

This part fits the following Samsung washing machine models. Use Ctrl+F to find your specific models.

WF431ABP/XAA-01 WF431ABW/XAA-00 WF438AAR/XAA WF448AAE/XAA-00 WF448AAE/XAA-01 WF448AAE/XAA-02 WF448AAP/XAA-00 WF448AAP/XAA-01 WF448AAP/XAA-02 WF448AAP/XAA-03 WF448AAP/XAA-04 WF448AAP/XAA-05 WF448AAP/XAC WF448AAP/XAC-0001 WF448AAP/XAC-0002 WF448AAP/XAC-0004 WF448AAP/XAC-0005 WF448AAP/YE WF448AAW/XAA-05 WF448AAW/XAC WF448AAW/XAC-0001 WF448AAW/XAC-0002 WF461ABP/XAA-01 and more.

Best Deals on eBay

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