Looking for W10207861? You’re in the right place! In this guide, we’ll help you locate the Whirlpool Refrigerator Control Board you’re searching for and provide valuable information to assist you in your quest.
W10207861 Whirlpool Refrigerator Electronic Control Board

The W10207861 Whirlpool Refrigerator Control Board is a crucial component of Whirlpool refrigerators that helps regulate and control various functions of the appliance. It serves as the central control unit responsible for managing temperature settings, defrost cycles, and overall performance.
- Part Number: W10207861
- Replacement Parts: 8208269, 12782205SP, EAP11750388, W10207861, 12782203, 67005397, 12782205, PS11750388, 12782203SP, AP6017093, 1468995, 67005400
- Part Types: Fridge Display Control Board, Refrigerator Main Control Board
- Compatible Brands: KitchenAid, Jenn-Air, Maytag, Admiral, Kenmore
- Fits Appliance Models: Please see the list below.
- Price: Check price on eBay.
Fits Appliance Types:
- Bottom-Mount Refrigerator
Fits Appliance Models
This part fits the following refrigerator models. Use Ctrl+F to find your model number listed below.
KBFS20ETWH01, JBL2088HES, 59678583800, KBFS25EVSS00, 59676599701, KBFA20ERBL00, KBFS25ETWH00, KBRS22EVMS00, JFC2089HPF, 59676583600, JSD2695KES, MFD2561HEQ, 59676582600, 59678589800, 59677599803, 59676602701, KBFL25ETWH01, MFD2561HEW, MBF2562HEB, KBFL25ETSS00, 59676579701, MBL2262HES, KBRS22ETBL00, 59676594701, EF36BNDFSS, JCD2297KEY, 59676609600, 59676504500, KBFL25ETBL00, JSD2697KEF, KBLS22ETSS00, 59676593600, KBRS22KVSS00, GC2227HEK9, JFC2089HTW, KBFS20EVBL00, KBFS20ETSS01, KBRA22KRBL01, KBFS25ETWH11, 59676589501, 59676582602, 59677599800, KBRS20ETSS00, 59676509500, KBRA22ERBL01, 59677594801, KBRS22ETSS00, JFD2589KEP12, 59676512500, JCD2295KES, JCD2292KTW, KBRS22ETBL11, 59676539500, 59676602600, KBRA22ERWH00, KBRA20ERSS00, 59676573602, 59678574801, MFD2562VEW10, 59676593601, KBRS22ETSS11, 59677609803, JSD2695KGB, KBRS22ETWH11, KBLS22KTSS11, KBFS25EVBL00, MSD2659KEQ, MSD2660KGB, 59676594600, 59676572600, KBLA20ERSS01, MSD2659KEW, 59678584801, 59676513500, KBFS25ETSS01, 59677603800, JFD2589KEP2, JFC2089HES13, JBC2088HTB, MBR2562KES, MFD2562VEM10, GC2227HEK5, 59677602801, GC2227HEK3, JSD2695KGW, MFC2061HEB13, KBFS25ETSS00, KBLS20ETSS11, KBFA25ERBL01, JBR2088HES, JFD2589KES12, 59676573702, MFD2562VEB2, MFD2561HEQ14, 59676522500, 59678582801, 59678586801, JCB2282KTB, IF36BNDFSF, MFD2562KES11, JFD2589KES2, MSD2660KES, 59676592601, KBRS22ETWH00, 59676609701, 59676589500, JSD2697KEY, 59676573600, 59676524500, 59655662500, MBR2262KES, MFD2562KEW11, KBLS22ETSS01, KBFS25ETWH01, KBFA20ERBL01, KBLA20ERSS00, KBFA25ERSS01, KBRS20ETSS11, 59678576801, KBRS20ETBL00, MBF2262HEB13, 59677609801, KBRA20ERBL00, 59676523500, KBRS20ETBL11, 10678586800, MBR2562HES, IF36INDFSF, KBRA20ERWH00, 59678586800, KBRS22KTBL11, JCD2292KTB, KBRP20ERSS02, 59676594601, MFD2561HES, 59676579601, 59678572801, MBL2562KES, KBRS20ETWH01, GC2227HEKW, KBFS25ETSS11, KBRS22KVBL00, 59676519500, JBL2286KES, MSD2659KEB, 59676534500, 59676583702, KBLS22KTSS00, JBR2286KES, MFD2562KEW10, KBFS25EVMS00, JBL2088HES13, KBRP20ERSS01, MFD2561HEW, MBF2262HEW13, 59676589701, JBL2286KES, 59676603600, 59676582501, MFC2061KEQ, JBD2286KEB11, MSD2359KEQ, JBD2286KEB, KBRA22KRBL00, KBRS22ETWH01, KBRP20ERSS00, JFC2089HPY, MFD2561HEB, KBFS25EVMS0, MFC2061HEB, 59676604701, KBRS22KVWH00, MBF2562HEW13, JFC2089HEP, KBFS20ETBL00, JCB2285KEP, 59676583602, JFC2089HPY12, 59678579803, KBLS22ETSS00, 59677603801, KBFS20EVWH00, 59676593602, KBRA22ERBL00, KBRS22KTSS01, KBRS20ETBL01, 59678589803, MFC2061HEW, KBRS22EVWH00, MSD2659KES, KBRA22KRSS00, JBR2286KES12, KBFS25ETBL11, 59676602601, 59676502500, KBFL25EVMS00, 59676584701, 59655664500, KBRS22KTWH00, JBR2088HES13, 59676599600, 59676604601, 59677593800, 59657053600, KBFS25EVBL0, KBFL25ETBL01, 59677609800, 59676574601, MSD2359KEB, KBRA22KRSS01, KBFL25ETSS00, 59676579600, KBLS22KVSS00, KBRS22KTWH11, KBFS25EVWH00, 59676514500, KBFA25ERSS00, 59678573801, MFC2061HES, KBLS22EVMS00, 59677606800, 59678573800, MFD2562VEB10, KBLS22ETSS11, 59677592801, 59678582800, JBD2286KEW, MSD2660KGW, JFC2089HES, 59677604801, MFD2562KES10, MFD2562VEA10, 59678584800, GC2227HEKS, 59677606801, KBRS20EVMS00, KBRS22KTSS11, 59677602800, JCD2297KEF, KBFS20ETSS00, 59676533500, 59676532500, 59676589600, JFD2589KEP, JFC2089HEP13, 59678572800, MBF2562HEW, JBC2088HTW, KBRS20EVWH00, KBLA22KRSS01, KBRS22KTWH01, 59677594800, JBL2088HES, KBRA20ERSS01, 59677592800, 59678579800, 59676609601, JFD2589KES, MBF2262HEQ, JBD2286KEW11, MBF2262HEW, 59676582701, KBFS20ETWH00, KBLA22ERSS01, KBFL25ETWH11, EF36LNDFSS, KBRS20ETWH00, 59676582601, 59678583801, MBF2262HEB, 59657059600, 59676584501, 59676603601, KBFA20ERWH00, KBFL25ETBL11, KBFA20ERWH01, JBD2286KEW, 59676592600, 59678576800, MBF2562HEB13, KBRA22ERSS01, 59677593801, 59676503500, JFC2089HPR10, 59676592701, KBFS20EVMS00, JCB2282KTW, JFC2089HPF12, KBRS20EVBL00, KBFA25ERWH01, JBL2286KES12, MZD2669KEW, 59676603702, MSD2359KEW, 59678589801, MBL2262KES12, MFD2562KEB10, KBRA22ERWH01, MBF2562HEQ, 59676604600, MBR2262HES, MZD2669KEB, KBLS20EVMS00, KBRS22KTBL01, 59657043600, KBFS25EVWH0, MFC2061KES, KBFA25ERWH00, EF36RNDFSS, KBFL25ETSS01, KBRS22KTBL00, 59676584600, 59677604800, KBRS22ETBL01, 59676572601, 59678579801, 59676574600, JCB2287KEY, KBRS20ETWH11, KBLS22KTSS01, MSD2359KES, KBFS25ETBL00, 59676572701, 59677599801, JCD2295KEP, 59655669500, MFC2061HEW13, KBRA20ERWH01, KBFS20ETBL01, 59657049600, KBFS25EVSS0, JFC2089HTB12, KBRS20ETSS01, KBFL25ETSS11, KBFA20ERSS00, KBLS20ETSS01, 59677596800, KBFS25ETBL01, MFD2562KEB11, MFC2061KES12, KBRA22KRWH01, KBRA22KRWH00, 59676574701, KBRA22ERSS00, MBR2262KES12, KBRS22ETSS01, 59676599601, JCB2287KEF, KBFA20ERSS01, MBL2262KES, JFC2089HPR11, KBRA20ERBL01, 59677596801, KBLA22ERSS00, MBL2562HES, KBRS22KTSS00, JFC2089HTW12, KBRS22EVBL00, GC2227HEKB, JFC2089HTB, 59678574800, KBLS20ETSS00, 59676529500, 59655663500, JCB2285KES, KBFA25ERBL00, KBLA22KRSS00, 59676593702, and more.
The W10207861 is a specific model number for a control board used in Whirlpool refrigerators. While I don’t have access to specific documentation for this exact model, I can provide you with a general list of functions that a refrigerator control board typically performs.
Please note that the specific features and functions may vary depending on the refrigerator model and brand:
- Temperature Control: The control board regulates and maintains the desired temperature inside the refrigerator and freezer compartments.
- Defrost Control: It controls the automatic defrost cycle to prevent the buildup of ice and frost on the evaporator coils.
- Fan Control: The control board manages the operation of fans responsible for circulating air inside the refrigerator and freezer compartments for optimal cooling.
- Compressor Control: It regulates the operation of the compressor, which is responsible for cooling the refrigerant and circulating it through the system.
- Display and User Interface: The control board may have a display panel or digital interface that allows users to monitor and adjust temperature settings, control modes, and other features.
- Alarm and Diagnostic Functions: Some control boards have built-in diagnostic capabilities and can provide error codes or audible alarms to indicate any issues or malfunctions in the refrigerator.
- Power Distribution: The control board serves as the central hub for distributing power to various components of the refrigerator, such as lights, fans, motors, and sensors.
- Control Modes and Settings: Depending on the model, the control board may offer different operating modes, such as energy-saving mode, vacation mode, or turbo cool/freezing mode.
- Adaptive Defrost: Advanced control boards can utilize sensors and algorithms to optimize the defrost cycle timing based on usage patterns and environmental conditions.
- Communication Interface: In some cases, the control board may have a communication interface to connect with external devices, such as a computer or smartphone, for remote monitoring and control.
It’s important to note that the specific functions and features may differ for different refrigerator models and manufacturers, so it’s always best to refer to the user manual or technical documentation provided by Whirlpool for accurate information regarding the W10207861 control board.
Common Symptoms
Below is a list of common symptoms that may indicate a malfunctioning control board in a Whirlpool refrigerator. These symptoms can be observed in various refrigerator models and may not be exclusive to the W10207861 control board.
If you’re experiencing any of these issues, it’s recommended to consult a professional technician for proper diagnosis and repair:
- Temperature fluctuations: The refrigerator fails to maintain the set temperature consistently, resulting in temperature swings that may cause food spoilage or freezing.
- Inaccurate temperature readings: The temperature displayed on the control panel does not correspond to the actual temperature inside the refrigerator or freezer compartments.
- Failure to start or cool: The refrigerator does not turn on, or the compressor fails to start, leading to inadequate cooling or no cooling at all.
- Defrost problems: The automatic defrost cycle may not initiate, causing excessive frost or ice buildup on the evaporator coils, resulting in poor cooling performance.
- Unresponsive control panel: The buttons or touch controls on the control panel do not respond or work intermittently, making it difficult to adjust settings or access features.
- Erratic operation or random errors: The control board may exhibit erratic behavior, such as random error codes or beeping sounds, indicating a possible issue with its functionality.
- Lights or display not working: The interior lights or the display panel may fail to illuminate or work correctly, making it challenging to monitor the refrigerator’s status.
- Unusual sounds: The control board may produce abnormal humming, buzzing, or clicking sounds, which could indicate a fault or malfunction.
- Failure to cycle on/off: The control board may fail to regulate the operation of various components, such as the fans, compressor, or defrost cycle, resulting in improper functioning.
- Communication issues: If the refrigerator is equipped with a communication interface, such as Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, problems with the control board can lead to connectivity issues or failure to establish communication with external devices.
Remember that this list is not exhaustive, and specific symptoms may vary depending on the model and specific circumstances. It’s always best to consult the user manual or seek professional assistance for an accurate diagnosis and repair of any issues with the control board or your Whirlpool refrigerator.
Troubleshooting Guide
Here’s a step-by-step troubleshooting guide for the W10207861 Whirlpool Refrigerator Control Board:
- Check power supply: Ensure that the refrigerator is properly connected to a power source and receiving electricity. Verify that the outlet is functioning correctly.
- Inspect control board connections: Turn off the power to the refrigerator and remove the control board cover. Examine the connections between the control board and other components, such as wiring harnesses and connectors. Make sure they are securely attached and not loose or damaged.
- Reset the control board: Locate the reset button on the control board (if available) and press it. This can help clear any temporary glitches or errors in the system.
- Check for visible damage: Inspect the control board for any visible signs of damage, such as burnt components, bulging capacitors, or melted areas. If you notice any physical damage, the control board may need to be replaced.
- Test the control board for power: Use a multimeter to check if the control board is receiving power. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to measure voltage at specific points on the board. If there is no power, there may be an issue with the power supply or the board itself.
- Check for error codes: Some control boards have built-in diagnostic capabilities that display error codes. Consult the user manual or service guide to identify any error codes being displayed. These codes can help pinpoint specific issues with the control board or other components.
- Test other refrigerator functions: Determine if other functions of the refrigerator, such as lights, fans, or the compressor, are working properly. If multiple components are malfunctioning, it could indicate a problem with the control board.
- Consult technical documentation: Review the technical documentation provided by Whirlpool for the W10207861 control board. Check for any known issues, troubleshooting tips, or specific instructions for diagnosing and repairing problems.
- Contact Whirlpool customer support: If you have followed the troubleshooting steps and are still experiencing issues, it’s recommended to reach out to Whirlpool customer support or a qualified technician for further assistance. Provide them with the model number and details of the problem for accurate guidance.
- Consider professional repair or replacement: If all else fails, and you are unable to resolve the issue yourself, it may be necessary to seek professional repair services or replace the W10207861 control board altogether. A certified technician can accurately diagnose the problem and recommend the appropriate course of action.
Remember, these troubleshooting steps are general guidelines, and it’s important to consult the specific documentation for the W10207861 control board or seek professional assistance for accurate diagnosis and repair.
Compare Prices on eBay – W10207861
There are many sellers offering this part on the eBay market. You can view more details, check terms and conditions, and compare the prices below by clicking the link.
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