Don’t miss out on the best deal! Upgrade your laundry experience with the 38034P Amana Speed Queen Washing Machine Motor at an unbeatable price – quality and savings in one.
38034P Amana Speed Queen Washing Machine Motor
- Part Number: 38034P
- Replacement Parts: 1796753, 35145, 37623, 38034, 35145P, AP2407223
- Part Types: Amana Speed Queen Washer Motor Assembly, Amana Speed Queen Laundry Machine Motor, Amana Speed Queen Washing Appliance Drive Motor, Amana Speed Queen Clothes Washer Motor, Amana Speed Queen Laundry Appliance Drive Motor
- Compatible Brands: Speed Queen, Amana, Crosley, Kenmore
Fits Appliance Models
This part fits the following clothes washer models. Use Ctrl+F to find the model numbers listed below.
SWT720WM, SWTZ21QM, SWT521LA, SWT020QM, SWT221WM, SWT420WA, SWT421WA, SWT621QM, SWT220QN1124, 1019136460, 1019026660, SWT020LM, SWTC21WN, 101912631, SWTZ21WN, SWT321WA, SWT521WA, SWTY20LM, SWT121LA, 101939582, EA2820LA, SWT320QA, SWT821LN, SWTZ20QN, 1019016590, 1019166540, SWT2B0QN1124, SWTBA0QN, SWNMN1SP302SW01, SWT221LA, SWT220QM1124, SWTV20QN, SWNLC2HP112TW01, SWT020LA, SWT621LM, 1019166500, SWT620WC, SWT2A0QN, SWTC20QM, SWNBC2SP112TQ01, SWT120QN, SWT820LN, SWTJ21QN, LW4303W-P1163303WW, SWT220QM, CW3502W/P1163207WW, 101902631, SWT210QA, SWTW20LN, SWTF21WM, SWT520QA, 101906620, SWT620WD, 101912630, 101905610, SWTC20QN, AWN311SP111TW01, SWT820WN, SWT620QD, 101903610, 101996630, EA2621WA, EA2620LA, AWN432SP113TW04, SWNSX1SP302UW01, 1019126540, SWNBX2SP112TW01, SWT620QA, SWT920WN1124, SWNSX2SP112TW01, EA2721WA, SWTH20WM, EA2011WA, SWT221QN, SWT321WM, 1019026400, SWT921QN, EA2220WA, 1019166441, SWT021QA, SWTT20WN99M6, 1019166400, 101939600, SWTT20LN99M6, SWT620QC, SWTZ20LN, SWT720QM, AWS76NW, EA2120WA, 101912635, SWTV20WN, SWTT20LN, SWTB21LM, LW4603W/P1163403WW, SWT220LN1124, SWTJ21QM, SWT520LN, SWTZ20WM, SWT020QA, SWT421WM, SWTB20WN, SWT121WA, SWT2A0LN1124, SWTB20LM, SWTX21QM, SWT120WN, 101901620, SWT121LN, SWT210WA1124, SWNSX1SP302BW01, SWT210WA, SWTH20QM, SWTBA0LN, SWT021QN, SWT220WN, SWTT21QM, SWTF21LN, 101902620, 101912634, SWT021QM, SWTT21WM, SWT120WA, SWT210LA, AWS44NW, SWTX21LN, SWTX21QN, 101906611, SWNLX2SP112TW01, SWT620LD, SWT820QN, SWT210WN, SWT220LA, SWNMN2SP112TW08, SWTW21LN, SWT220LN, 101913632, 1019036641, SWTT20WM, SWTB21WN, EA2110WA, 1019906440, SWT320WM, SWNBX2SP302NQ22, SWT621WD1121, SWTBA1WN, SWT621LD, SWTB21QM, SWNSX2SP112TQ01, SWT220LM1124, SWT621QM1121, EA2210LA, SWT421LD, SWT421LM, SWT221LM, SWT720QA, SWTF21LM, SWT920QN, EAJ921LA, SWNBX2SP082JW01, 1019906400, SWT621LM1121, SWTW21QN, EA3291WA, SWT020WM, SWT520WN, SWTW20QN, SWT520QM, AWS75NW, 1019906441, 1019126641, SWT220WM, SWNSX2PP112TQ01, AWS01NW, CW4202W/PCW4202W, EA2710WA, SWTF21QN, ZA3820LA, SWT920WN, SWNLC2AP112TW02, SWTY21WM, SWT210WN1124, 101996634, SWT621QC, 101990630, 101902610, SWT521WN, SWT921LN, SWT520WM, 101903620, EA2521LA, SWT421QM, 101939580, SWT520QN, CW3502L/P1163208WL, SWNBC2PP112TW01, SWTT21LM, SWT621QD, SWT220QN, SWTC21QM, LW8403W/P1163305WW, 101939581, SWT021WM, LWM433L/P1176502WL, 1019136580, AWN412SP111TW01, SWT121WM, 1019036600, SWT121WN, 1019016540, SWT321QA, LW4603L/P1163404WL, SWT120WM, SWNLY2SP302NW22, SWTJ21LN, EA2121WA, SWT420QA, 1019036500, SWNSX2PP112TW02, SWTT20QN99M6, SWTW20WN, SWT121QN, SWT521LN, SWNLX2AP112TW02, AWNE92SP113TW01-START-S#1501, SWT421QD, 1019026540, SWTJ21LM, SWT521LA1119, SWTF20WM, 1019026640, SWT321LM, SWT021LA, SWT620WA, CW8203W-PCW8203W, SWT520LA, EA2820WA, SWTB21WM, 101913634, SWTF20QM, LW3503L/P1163204WL, SWTH21QM, SWTY20WM, SWTY20WN, SWTF21WN, SWT821WN, SWT2A0WN1124, SWNLC2SP112TW02, EA2821WA, SWTY21LN, EA3920WA, SWT721LM, EA2920LA, SWTA21LM, EA2221LA, SWT2A0WN, SWNSX1PP112TW01, EA2221WA, SWNBY2PP112TW01, SWTJ21WN, EA2821LA, SWNLX2HP112TW01, SWT220WA, SWTC21WM, 1019136500, SWTC21LN, EA3920LA, SWT220QA, SWT420QD, EA2021LA, 1019136440, SWTZ20QM, SWTBA0WN, SWT920QN1124, EA2520WA, 1019136540, SWTBA1LN, 1019036400, SWT2A0LN, SWT210LN1124, SWTH21LN, SWNLX2SP112TW02, SWT621WD, SWNLY2HP112TW01, SWT120QM, 101913630, SWNSX1SP542NW22, SWTB20QN, SWTC20LN, SWTH21QN, SWTB20LN, SWTV20LN, SWT2B0LN1124, SWTB20QM, SWT421WD, SWT321QM, 1019126400, SWT621QD1121, SWTC20WM, SWT221WA, SWT420WD, SWTY21QM, LWM423W-P1176403WW, CW9203W/P1163405WW, SWTC21LM, SWTT20LM, EA2610LA, SWT620LA, EA2620WA, SWTC21QN, SWT210QA1124, SWT620WM, 1019136450, 1019036640, SWT420WM, SWT421QA, 101937581, SWT021LM, SWTZ21QN, SWTT21WN, SWTZ21LN, SWNLC2HP112TW02, SWNSX1PP112TQ01, 101906625, EA3820WA, SWTZ20WN, 1019136660, 1019026600, SWTA21WM, SWNMN2PP112TW01, SWTH21WM, 1019136480, SWT420LM, EA2220LA, 1019126440, SWTB21QN, EA2020WA, SWTX21LM, SWNBX1SP122DW01, 1019966440, SWT320WA, EA2110LA, SWT920LN, SWT021LN, 1019036441, SWT221WN, SWT120QA, SWTX21WM, 1019136400, AWN542SP111TW01, SWNLX1SP542NW23, SWT121QM, SWT220LM, SWNBX1SP542DW01, LW3502W/P1163201WW, SWT120LA, TW3502G/P1163209WG, EA2111LA, SWTX21WN, LW3502L/P1163202WL, 101906610, SWTT20QN, SWT520WA, SWNLX2PP112TW02, LW4303L-P1163304WL, SWT620LC, 101990631, 1019036501, SWT521QM, SWT321LA, 1019136640, SWT320LA, SWT420LD, SWTW21WN, SWNLX1SP122DW01, LW4202W/P1163210WW, SWNSX2PP112TW01, SWT521WM, 1019036601, SWNLY2AP112TW01, SWT2B0WN1124, SWT210QN, 101913635, SWT320LM, 101916631, SWNBX2PP112TW02, LW8203W-P1163212WW, 101916634, SWTA21QN, SWTF20QN, SWTH20LM, EA2621LA, EA2120LA, 1019136650, SWT421LA, SWT020QN, AWN632SP116TW02, SWT621LD1121, SWT220WM1124, SWNBX2SP112FW27, SWT021WA, SWTC20WN, SWT210LN, 101906621, SWTA21LN, SWTH21WN, 101906622, 1019036541, SWT521LM, SWT621WC, SWT220WN1124, 1019126500, SWT921WN, SWT721LA, SWT2A0QN1124, ZA3821WA, 101902630, SWT721WA, CW8403W-P1163311WW, 1019026601, EAJ921WA, EA2020LA, 1019136560, SWTF20WN, SWTT20QM, SWTZ21WM, SWTY20QN, SWTC20LM, SWTZ21LM, SWTA21WN, LWM433W/P1176501WW, SWTH20WN, SWT521QA, 1019026500, SWNSX1PP302AW01, SWT120LM, 1019136600, SWNSX1SP112TQ01, SWTT21QN, 1019126441, SWT720WA, SWTH21LM, SWTJ21WM, LW8253W/PLW8253W, 101937580, SWT020WN, SWT920LN1124, SWTZ20LM, SWTY20QM, SWT420LA, SWT521WA1119, SWTB21LN, SWTH20LN, 1019136441, SWTBA1QN, SWT620QM, SWT221QM, SWT521QA1119, 1019026641, SWT320QM, SWTF20LM, SWTT20WN, 101992630, EA3821WA, SWTY21QN, EA3921LA, 1019136690, SWT720LM, EA2210WA, SWT521QN, 101916630, SWT221LN, SWT121QA, SWT021WN, SWT621WM, SWNMN1SP302NW22, JA0110L, SWT721WM, 101916635, AWN432SP111TW01, SWTY21WN, EA3821LA, SWT210LA1124, SWNSX1SP302NW22, AWN632SP116TW01, SWT420QM, 1019166440, 1019126601, SWNSX1SP302AW01, 1019036540, SWT020WA, EA2121LA, SWT821QN, SWT720LA, AWNE82SP113TW01, SWTA21QM, SWTF20LN, 1019926400, SWT721QM, ZA3821LA, SWTT21LN, 101912632, SWNLC2SP112TW01, 1019966441, 101913631, SWT721QA, SWT020LN, SWT621LC, EA2111WA, SWNLX2SP302AW01, SWT620LM, SWNBC2PP112TW02, AWS53NW, SWT210QN1124, SWTY21LM, SWT520LM, SWT621WM1121, SWNSX1SP302EW09, SWTF21QM, SWNSX1SP112TW01, SWT221QA, 101906624, SWNLC2AP112TW01, 1019136550, SWTY20LN, SWT121LM, SWNLY2SP112TW01, SWTH20QN, AWS52NW, SWT120LN, 1019966400, LWM423L-P1176404WL, SWTB20WM, and more.
Functions of 38034P Amana Speed Queen Washing Machine Motor
The main functions of the 38034P Amana Speed Queen Washing Machine Motor include:
- Driving Drum Rotation: The motor powers the drum’s rotation, creating the necessary agitation and tumbling motion to wash and rinse clothes effectively.
- Controlling Speeds: It allows for various speed settings, enabling different wash cycles like delicate, normal, or heavy-duty, catering to different fabric types and soil levels.
- Balancing Loads: The motor contributes to load balance by adjusting rotation speed and direction, preventing excessive vibrations and ensuring stable operation.
- Operating Pump and Drain: It assists in pumping out water during the drain cycle, helping to remove dirty water from the machine after each wash.
- Activating Agitator or Impeller: In top-loading machines, the motor powers the agitator’s movement, simulating handwashing by moving clothes around. In front-loading machines, it operates the impeller for gentle yet thorough cleaning.
- Supporting Timed Cycles: The motor’s timing mechanism coordinates with the washing machine’s control panel to ensure the proper sequence of washing, rinsing, and spinning cycles.
- Overload Protection: It often includes built-in safety features to prevent damage due to excessive loads or obstructions, enhancing the motor’s lifespan.
- Energy Efficiency: The motor may have energy-saving capabilities, contributing to the overall efficiency of the washing machine.
- Synchronizing Functions: In modern machines, the motor may communicate with other components, such as sensors, to optimize washing conditions based on factors like load size and fabric type.
- User Interface Integration: The motor’s performance is often tied to the washing machine’s user interface, allowing users to select and control various settings for their laundry needs.
These functions collectively ensure the motor’s role in delivering reliable and effective washing cycles within the Amana Speed Queen washing machine.
Common Problems
Here are some common problems that could occur with the 38034P Amana Speed Queen Washing Machine Motor:
- No Spin or Agitation: The motor might fail to engage, leading to issues with spinning or agitating during the wash cycle.
- Excessive Noise: A worn-out motor or damaged components could result in loud or unusual noises during operation.
- Overheating: If the motor becomes overheated, it might shut down to prevent damage, causing the washing machine to stop mid-cycle.
- Electrical Issues: Wiring problems or faulty connections could disrupt the electrical supply to the motor, causing it to malfunction.
- Burning Smell: An overheating motor can produce a burning smell, indicating potential internal damage or friction.
- Motor Humming: If the motor hums but doesn’t start, it could be due to a faulty start capacitor or other issues.
- Intermittent Functionality: The motor might work inconsistently, starting and stopping unexpectedly, indicating possible wiring or control board problems.
- Water Leakage: Damage to the motor’s seal or housing could lead to water leakage, affecting the overall functioning of the washing machine.
- Blocked or Seized Motor: Foreign objects or mechanical issues could cause the motor to become blocked or seized, preventing proper operation.
- Worn Carbon Brushes: Over time, the carbon brushes in the motor could wear down, leading to poor electrical contact and reduced performance.
It’s important to note that diagnosing and repairing washing machine motor issues can be complex. If you’re experiencing problems with your Amana Speed Queen Washing Machine Motor, it’s recommended to consult a professional technician or the manufacturer’s customer support for accurate diagnosis and appropriate solutions.
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